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There is more than one way to approach real estate site selection. And some are decidedly more effective than others when it comes to predicting future revenue success.

Common approaches include:

  1. Some companies rely on chance encounters with available vacant lots or empty buildings, taking a gamble on the location being a fit for their customers.
  2. Other companies fail to differentiate the process of evaluating neighborhood factors (i.e., who lives and works there) from the assessment of on-site factors, such as site accessibility, visibility and facility attractiveness.
  3. Still other firms make a valiant attempt to leverage analytics to analyze a neighborhood’s fit for their brand, but they are unsure as to how to evaluate multiple variables – and at what radius level(s). In other words, they do not know how to take a multivariate approach that combines multiple data points into a single score.

Ambient Array has solved all of the above challenges with our model-based approach to neighborhood analysis.

Want more details? Take a listen here:

Then, reach to Ambient Array to find out about getting a custom real estate site selection model built for your organization today!

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